Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I learnt how to make home-made cranberry sauce

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hang in there...............
whales are very large, old, and can make a lot of noise:
Blue whales produce sounds that travel 1,200 miles.
That's the farthest away of any animal on earth. The crazy thing is, you can't hear the noise. "The low-pitch sounds can reach 15 hertz," says Dave Mellinger, associate professor at Oregon State University, "while the human ear can detect noises only as low as 20 hertz." The blue whale's massive size—it's the largest animal on earth, surpassing any dinosaur that ever lived—allows it to produce sounds that are louder and lower in frequency than their fellow ocean dwellers.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Suck it up tough guy...
Well, I’ve really been struggling to walk on my left foot since I finished the marathon. It hurts to put any weight on it, and even hurts when I’m not putting any weight on it. All other aches and pains have pretty much gone away but my left foot has gotten worse, so I went into the podiatrist today. What I “Learnt” was that once you’ve run a marathon – "apparently" doctors think it’s alright to mock any complaints about pain. Like “you’ve run a marathon and now you’re going to complain about little aches and pains?” It seems that “bedside” manners no longer apply.
So I’m laying there with my foot up in the air …
[nurse prepares the needle for my foot]
Doctor: "So what type of running shoes do you wear?" he asks, making small talk, I'm sensing he's trying to distract me?
[Wham! nurse stabs needle into my foot before I can answer]
Dustin: "ou-ah-ee---oh!---youch-ooh-ah-SHEESH!"
Doctor: "I've never heard of that brand of running shoe before" he says with a smirk... bastard
I can now say I'd rather have a needle injected into my mouth, or ass, before I'd go back for an injection into my foot. That was terrible. So I took my sucker, grabbed a trinket out of the kiddy goody-basket and told them to buzz off.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
the times they are a changin........

I was sitting in class the other night.... pickin my nose and dosing off as usual......and I half-way heard the teacher mention some big ass business deals that changed the financial face of America at the turn of the century...so I am thinking what the hell happened back then that was such a big deal?.......and then he mentioned Enron and Sarbanes-Oxley..and it dawned on me he was talking about THE TURN OF THE CENTURY AS IN THE YEAR 2000!!!!!!!! ..not like 1900.......man the times they are a changin..........
Sunday, November 9, 2008
black and white..there is a difference..............
I bought some white pepper for a dill chicken recipe a few months ago. I thought it probably tastes about the same as black pepper..... Never really tasted it by itself. Then, the other day I ran out of black pepper in our table pepper shaker. So I loaded up the pepper shaker with white pepper. There is a HELL of a difference in the taste of black and white pepper! and the brand I bought is ground very very fine. So when I shook a few shakes of the shaker, I got a ton of pepper. It tasted kinda musky or gamy. Very different.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Is america great or what?????

Vail, Colorado, August 18, 2005, Vail-based When I Grow Up, Inc., announced today the launch of its first product, the Snot Spot......., designed to tackle a problem that plagues every winter athlete, the runny nose. The Snot Spot is a washable, reusable fleece tissue worn over a winter glove to provide a soft, absorbent surface to wipe one�s nose. It fills a void in the snow sports equipment market.
Everyone who spends a lot of time outdoors in the winter knows that a runny nose is a nearly unavoidable part of the experience. The Snot Spot is the perfect solution to this very well known issue. The Snot Spot is superior to other solutions that have been introduced to address this problem. Disposable tissues in the lift line are a nice convenience, but they do add to landfill waste and over time will make your nose raw. Unlike the soft pieces of fabric sewn into some gloves, the Snot Spot provides a much larger and softer surface area to use. It is also much easier to wash and keep clean.
I bet you didn't know.............

Show me the bellwether state.....

The Midwestern state is still "undecided", and is still, even three days later, too close to call. Missourians have reason to take their time. They have long had the reputation of being a bellwether state, and have voted for the winning candidate in every Presidential election since 1904, barring 1956. But this time, it looks as though they have got it wrong. Mr McCain currently leads Mr Obama in the count by 49.5 per cent to 49.3 per cent, or by 1,442,673 to 1,436,184 — a margin of just 6,489 votes. Although all balloted votes have been counted, however, there are 7,085 provisional votes that have not yet been accounted for. A provisional ballot is handed out to voters when there is no time or capacity to check their voting details at the polling station, so their vote is taken in and will be counted pending checks on their identity. This verification is expected to take place some time next week.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Quote of the Day

This afternoon, I learnt from Valencia the election quote of the day. Valencia quoted David Sedaris who said: "Being undecided in this election is like being on a plane and having the flight attendant offer you a choice of chicken or excrement with shards of glass - and asking 'How was the chicken prepared?'"
Leaders from the left....
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I learnt about Res ispsa loquitur

I learned this expression a week or so ago in class. I like the way my mouth moves when I say it: (rās′ ip′sə lō′kwitoor) "Res ipsa loquitur" is a legal term which means "the thing itself speaks" but is often translated "the thing speaks for itself". It is used in actions for injury by negligence and signifies that no further details are necessary as the happening itself is accepted as proof.
Say the patient consented to an appendectomy and the surgeon removed the patient's appendix. After a week, the patient sought medical consultation due to severe stomach pains. Serial radiological studies reveal that sponges were left inside the patient's
abdomen. Res ispsa loquitur.
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