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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mr. Magoo, the aging brain, & something else I forgot...

Yesterday on my drive to work, I slowed to allow a small white plastic bag time to cross the street. "That's it, move along little fella." (to be read in Mr. Magoo voice - which, by the way, Aug does so well) Anyway, in dawn's early light I imagined it was what? calling close to the ground: an albino ferret?! Then last night, Brian Williams (that nice young man on NBC Nightly News) tells me that the reason old people forget things is that the aging brain loses its ability to filter out irrelevant information, so the brain is overloaded and easily distracted. Q. How am I going to know when this is happening to me? I have always preferred the irrelevant information. Yes, I know the two word answer to that question: albino ferret.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sting Ray Shuffle

I learnt that if you run 21.5 miles on Sunday you're going to have a REALLY hard time moving around the next morning, and when people ask you why you are walking really slow without picking up your feet - just tell them you're doing the sting ray shuffle.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Learnt about a new kind of book.................

Check this out at the library: The Arrival by Shaun Tan. It is a neat book. I never knew that you could tell a story this way. Did you?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I learnt yesterday................

That KFC now sells Chicken Fried Steak. Who would have thought we would live long enough to see the Colonel sell steak?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Dude... do you like see what I'm seeing dude?

So I took a bit of the liquid floaty sauce and noticed a couple of interesting things... first of all they made the prescription out for "Austin Allen", now as you know from previous blog postings I go by many different names - typically Justin, or Jason, and now I suppose Austin (which is what my father calls me every now and again as well) but my pharmacist, as if? of all people my pharmacist should certainly know me better by now but that is another matter. Then as I read more (which you can only partially see from this picture) but the label says "Take one teaspoon "by mouth" and I thought - how else would I take one teaspoon of liquid floaty sauce other than "by mouth" - but then as I thought about it more, maybe since it was actually prescribed to "Austin Allen" maybe this disclaimer was necessary?

Slip sliden away....

I learnt from my doctor yesterday that there is this liquid vicoden cough syrup that is basically, um liquid vicoden.

Slip sliding away, slip sliding away
You know the nearer your destination,
the more you slip sliding away

these are actually pretty funny

Obama roasts McCain

McCain roasts Obama

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Useful Safety Tip

Keep your car keys by your bed at night ... so if you hear something outside your home or someone trying to get in your home - just hit the panic button on your car keys ...

Just read this somewhere... seems like a decent idea so figured I'd pass it along

Monday, October 6, 2008

Tough Love in a Tough Shed

On Saturday, I enjoyed an hour of massage to my feet and hands from a licensed reflexology therapist whose "clinic" is a tough shed located in her backyard on the west side of town. It was well worth the investment, and I will be going back for more. While I still have the pain in my heel (my presenting issue), the range of motion in my injured right shoulder is much improved as is a newly discovered soprano falsetto with which I surprised myself on Sunday afternoon. I hope such treatment will be covered in Obama's new health insurance plan.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008