On Saturday, I enjoyed an hour of massage to my feet and hands from a licensed reflexology therapist whose "clinic" is a tough shed located in her backyard on the west side of town. It was well worth the investment, and I will be going back for more. While I still have the pain in my heel (my presenting issue), the range of motion in my injured right shoulder is much improved as is a newly discovered soprano falsetto with which I surprised myself on Sunday afternoon. I hope such treatment will be covered in Obama's new health insurance plan.
I thought the most intriguing bit of information to come out of the visit was: the reflexologist's husband is a dog whisperer (ok ok ok a dog sitter) Of course the tough shed office behind the house and the whole Westside life style is what makes this area a fun place.
Was there music and an incense burning in the tuff shed? were you able to mentally escape to a place that "wasn't" a tuff shed? maybe a plug in water fall contraption from Home Depot in the background? Did it smell like warm lawn clippings? see any fire ants? Where's the details? Personally I'd be a little scared laying down and disrobing with all of those lawn utensils around... (bad childhood memories)
Yea, as I was lounging there (fully clothed - unless you define removing socks and shoes as disrobing), I was absorbing sights, sounds, and smells as potential blog fodder. But later, when I sat down to write, I got in more of a "what happens in the tough shed...." mode. I will confirm new age music? yes; waterfall? maybe; smells? well, lots of essential oils are used, and it was like being inside a jar of vic's vap-o-rub, so yes - but not like grass clippings or tools because my reflexologist said she bought the tough shed specifically to use as her studio. It had paneling, heat, and air conditioning, though, on this beautiful fall afternoon, a gentle breeze blew the sheer, green curtain that covered an otherwise open door...
btw, Why the d-unit, polvo? identity crisis?
I think polvo is using d-unit to emulate randy johnson... arizona diamondbacks..who is known as the big unit..and I am guessing randy is probably only known to me and polvo on this blog.
I signed up for another blog I think and I guess you can't have multiple display names... not sure...
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