I have found that you cannot properly clean your ears with a regular washcloth. You have to use one that is a minimum of 5 years old and has been washed at least 300 times. You want an almost threadbare white one so you can wrap your finger in it when you swab out your ear flap. Upon visual inspection of said cloth, the white one will indicate if you are accomplishing your mission. If you use a regular washcloth, it is too thick and fluffy and will not get in the ear correctly...causing skin flakes and soap residue to gather in the cup valley of the ear. I remember when I use to travel in the 70's the Hotel 8 chain had perfect washcloths for this function. I would sometimes take one with me on my travels. (Always leaving an extra 25 or 35 cents on the dresser to cover the hotel's replacement cost.)
I have thought about this for a while and just recently brought a couple of very very old cloths from my Florida collection to Colorado for daily use.
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