I hesitate to bring this up, but.............
I am sure yall recall that I was awarded a very prestigious Science Award last year. The recognition came with a very rare art object and a check. Well apparently my accounting firm has misplaced the check. I would appreciate the award committee issuing a replacement check. You immediate attention to this matter will be appreciated : Check via return mail.
PS: I am not going to mention the discrepancy in the award amount that was originally announced ($2) vs the amount received ($1). Or the long delay in receiving the original check (08/09/08 vs 12/27/07)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
It is better to give than receive......................
I got a $1 check, note, and coffee cup from Abbzug and Leopold yesterday........and just to show you how god moves in mysterious ways...........the check was hand delivered to me in a catholic church..... now what are the chances I would be standing in a church (or that I would get a check from Abbzug and/or Leopold ) ?
Anyway, I got a check and a genuine "NPR look-a-like" coffee mug with the word SCIENCE magic markered over duct tape stuck to the mug. The note as you can see to the left makes reference to a dollar.
I thanked Abbzug for the dollar, cup and mug. But I said I recall there was talk about $2 and not one dollar in a previous blog posting. Abbzug seemed to have trouble remembering this exact amount.
So when I got home last night, I looked back on a December 29, 2007 blog note from Leopold and found the following :
"Therefore I applaud your efforts and will contribute toward your endeavors by pledging $2 toward a box of wine (does that cover an entire box?) for you."
As yall know, I am certainly not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.........and I do appreciate the money....................even at this late date...................but I don't think recipients of the Nobel peace prize have to shake the envelope and ask for the FULL amount of the prize money.
If I may direct you to a possibly unknown provision known as "escheatment" whereby unclaimed property becomes property of the state. This would include credit balances, un-cashed checks, unclaimed physical property, etc., after a certain time the balance of the unclaimed check would be turned over to the state. So I would imagine that it might be best if you file a claim with the state of Colorado (or Nevada) depending on the intrepretation of the law.
see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escheat
Also, there is a $20 charge for stop payment of a check. Also, please make sure to include interest in the amount of 6% of the total amount of the check (that you owe me) over the course of time that has passed since you lost the check (that you were awarded).
hey why the hell did my name pop up as ashlee? this needs to be remedied.
well I am not suggesting a stop payment on a check....of course I would destroy or return the original check if found....and I did not say I lost the check...I believe some of my accounting people may have filed it without cashing it...and I am no accounting major but I fail to see how I could owe interest on an award check that I won? and anyway I think the sooner the new check is issued and we lay this to rest ....the better we will all feel. its like spike lee said just "do da rat thang"
Um, I believe Spike is an educated man. Pretty sure he would say "Do the right thing." Thank you very much, sir.
I checked my mailbox again today...no check...whats the deal?
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