So we were out of coffee at the abode this morning. So, to avoid the logistical hassel of an early morning coffee run - I told my wife, "send a text message to the neighbor and see if they'll send their son over with a cup of coffee grounds or something" (good friends of ours) but my wife didn't want to bother them, etc., So I said "naa... just make it funny... in the text tell them that you'll pay them $200 for a cup of coffee grounds" the joke being my wife REALLY wanted Coffee and she was willing to pay a premium (we all know that feeling right). Nonetheless, again she declined, she didn't want to bother them, etc., So, no biggie - I went on my way (and as a footnote I actually got a nice creamy Vente Vanilla Latte with an extra shot on my way in).
"Anyway", my wife decided at some point that she would just go get herself a cup of java from the store. Now, "apparently" when you turn [Right] onto Morriss Road from College Road (near our house) you're still in what's called a "school zone" ( And "apparently" if you didn't know that, and thought you were in the "40 mph section" of Morriss Road (which is not unreasonable), and so you "logically" would accelerate to get "up to speed" right? Anyway I learnt that if you did just that - and for example, if you made it up to lets say 32mph - at which point some guy in a fitted / pressed dark blue suit with a shiny badge on (and not like the ones the kids get out of the gumball machine either - we're talking the really NICE shiny ones) anyway if he hops out from the bushes and waves at you, I learnt that he is in fact "not" saying "hey, do I know you?" - rather he is flagging you down to issue you a $200 ticket. So - in the end, she did end up paying $200 for a cup of coffee.
True story...
Todd & I really enjoyed your story this morning, over our cups of coffee...though we really feel sorry for what your significant other had to go through to get her coffee. I think the members of this blog should take up a collection to help with the price of the ticket...didn't Ribhard "get" a $1 check here recently...he could donate it and we could all see that and maybe even raise it a few pennies. All for a good cause...
Yes I will donate the soon as abbzug sends the replacement check to me....(which should have been $2 to begin with)
I would fight the ticket. Go to court. At least get a little pissn and moan'n in before you pay. Hell the cop may not show up or they may offer a plea.
And I would take a power point presentation of the signs, street lay out, and suppportive witnesses. They always try to screw you on those hidden school zone signs when you turn from a side street...believe me I have been there.
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