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Saturday, May 30, 2009

when there is no underbrush; the tree looks taller?

Guys...tell me this is a joke: I mean can this actually be for real? I was Googling for an academic site and found this: Gillette wants men to shave their balls?
I immediatley thought WTF? Apparently their rationale is: "When there is no underbrush... the tree looks taller?!" Tell me this is not for real:


Polvo'd said...

this was posted at 3:53 am?

Ribhard said...

yea thats the way I roll!!

I think my mind is so powerful and cant stand to rest... constantly is thinking very significant and important complex theories...such as time space....what is it all about...and shaving ones balls.......

valencia said...

Um, why would this be a joke?

This is freakin' awesome!

On behalf of all the ladies on this blog, I suggest all the men get to work, pronto.

P.S. I'm pretty sure D-Unit waxes his balls. It makes for less "drag" when he runs a marathon.

Stephany said...

This is a known fact...
Thanks for your confirmation valencia!
D--don't you wax/shave your ENTIRE body?

P-Lou said...

I am so sorry to learn of your short trees - and the required maintenance to try to make them look taller.

Ribhard said...

I am seriously concerned when the thread of this blog turns to mental images of D-eunch's naked body......I mean come on now...I read this early in the morning before breakfast sometimes!

Polvo'd said...

I'm not sure it would be possible to actually "wax" in that area... maybe something we all pitch in and have Ribbherd try for the first time?

Sill wondering what Ribberd was googling at 3am to come across this video (no punn intended).

Ribhard said...

i have erratic sleep habits and an inquisative mind.