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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Sausage Kingdom - really?

"When searching for something to do other than what needs to be done" (c) I stumbled upon and found it "oddly" fitting for a man I know with a "similar" name ... especially after I noticed I could move the mouse around the room and click on the microwave (try it with sound) ... now I'm just not sure what to make of this find.

I guess sometimes it's better to do what needs to be done rather than searching for anything butt?


Ribhard said...

yea thats a funky can click on several different objects and get video and jpegs and all kinds of valuable information...I am just wandering why you would be googling your favorite uncle at 6 PM at night?...shouldn't you be working or watching the kids or eating supper or doing the dishes and giveing your wife a break?

Abbzug said...

good stuff, good stuff.

P-Lou said...

I believe Ferris Beuller avoided making reservations for lunch at a nice restaurant by simply stating he was "the sausage king of Chicago".

Abbzug said...

Polvo - If I am not mistaken, the correct APA in-text citation of my quote should be (Allen, 2009) followed by a full reference of: Allen, A. (2009). The Woodford Project. Retrieved June 23, 2009 from

I'm just sayin.

Yes, to take a preemptive strike at what you are undoubtedly asking yourself, this IS about the extent of what I got out of my Masters degree studies. Obrigada.