As you know, the mighty WindStar van died a few months ago....so we bought this old 98 Subaru Outback a few weeks back. We now have matching old blue subbys. The car came with a keyless entry alarm system. This was all well and good until the alarm began to go off at odd hours....like 2 AM in the morning outside my bedroom window...at the Lowe's parking lot...and sitting in the parking lot at school. I called the local Subaru dealer to see how much it would cost to kill it. They said maybe free and maybe $100....they would need to examine the situation. So I hopped my fat ass down there and slid into the service lane. The service writer...who honest to god looked like Alfred E. {what me worry?) Neuman listens to my tale of woe, calls the service department and Jimmy says it will be a few hours and maybe $210. I did opine that was a bullshit price and burned rubber leaving the service bay. Drove over to the Sound Advice place at Uintah and Circle....Johnny said $50 and will take about an hour. I shook on the deal...walked across the road and strolled up and down the aisles of Cheers Liquor Store....a delightful store with many many types of alcohol. Thought about Valencia and her no pocketbook story....which incidentally made the Gazette the other day.............a tale that needs to be discussed on the blog....anyway..I now have Merlot (5 ltr $12.00 box) and no alarm going off. Life if good.
1 comment:
what's the dish, valencia?
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