Today, I learned there was a place for me on Polvo'd's bus - well, maybe at the back of the bus. Check out this description of the slow-running movement that John Bingham, head penguin, is credited with starting.
In the running lexicon, the word "Penguin" has come to mean a person who runs more for the joy of running than for recognition and public rewards. Some of us are perpetual Penguins. We are consumed by the pleasure of movement.
Other Penguins find their joy in the challenge of reaching their own potential, whatever that is. For some it has meant running the Boston Marathon, the only U.S. marathon that has qualifying standards. For others, it has meant finding an independence and freedom in their daily runs that expands their limits.
Can there be such a thing, then, as a Penguin athlete? Or an athletic Penguin? Can people who are fighting to lose thirty or forty pounds be athletes? Of course they can! Can people who have waited until their forties to become physically active be athletes? You bet. Can people who finish last in a race be athletes? Yes, they can. And yes, they are.
First time I've ever heard the phrase "Perpetual Penguins"
I know in the movie "Billy Maddison" (Comedy 1995) "Billy" has such a bad drinking problem that he starts to see penguins ... now that I'm reading this post - maybe it was just a metaphor describing him running from something?
Quote from the movie: [Billy drunk, he sees a fake a penguin] "It's too damn hot for a penguin to be just walkin' around here. I gotta send him back to the South Pole."
Penquins Rule!
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