Andrea! Annie was the first Allen-side (like the hyphen?) family member to sneak a peak at Grayson Wolfe Allen-Sibold! She and Rob dressed up all pretty and faked a wedding in the greater-Loveland-metro area to grab the winning title! How you like them hyphens? I vaguely recall Vic promising a hundred big ones (big ones = larger than a quarter, according to the glossy poop-chart the hospital sent us home with) to the first Allen-sider to do so?
It was a PLEASURE to see them both, and although we offered to send them home with Grayson for the night, they politely declined, snapped a couple photos, and sped off into the night.
Damn, thought we fooled you with the 'ol "wedding down the street trick."
I will be checking the mailbox daily for my award check.
On a side note:
The Wolfe Baby (as I have christened him) is perhaps the most beautiful to be born into this gene pool. Pictures do not do him justice. I passionately urge all Allens to fly to the 'greater Loveland metro area' and play the 'wedding trick' on the Allen-Sibolds!
aw, I'm crying a little. Just a little. Okay, now I'm done.
That is a beautiful baby! Although I respect that is an individual decision on whether or not to reproduce, I think it would have been a waste of some excellent genetics if the intelligence, potential art talent, and apparent beauty were not given another generation. Speaking of intelligence, I am quite proud of Valencia coming up with the "wedding down the street trick" - and making it past the front door with a concealed camera. As for checking the mailbox, well, Ribhard has been known to "top the charts" with something a little bigger than a quarter.
that is a beautiful man child!!
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