I learnt that if you are using the restroom, sitting down, and the toilet is one of those "sensor-flush" toilets, and the wall in front of it (essentially the door to the stall) is "gray" (and that is where the sensor is pointing) and you happen to be wearing a non-descript "gray" fleece pull-over that the censor may mistake you for not being there at all and / or thinking that you've essentially blended into the walls - it will subsequently flush over and over and over (and OVER AND OVER!) - Now, while the little splashes of water that accompany the "swirl" of the toilet-typhoon-flushing may be refreshing to an uncle of mine in GP - it really distracts from the calm escape that I had hoped it would be.
Polvo, I never thought of you as such a wallflower...puts me in the mind of Biscuit on Ally McBeal. He always flushed first because he enjoyed a "fresh bowl". When scanning the choices, I myself will avoid the "dancing waters" as it means another's ass has warmed the seat recently. It's sometimes difficult to find the solitude you appear to be seeking in a public restroom.
Polvo..I know for a fact that those flushers will also activate when your body is moving or twitching.......you know like a jerky motion.....I jest askin?
I hate attack toilets.
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