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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chiquita Curry

Pat contributed incredible withheld culinary knowledge tonight to our Curry Beef over Rice meal. She insisted that adding the robust, sweet taste of a banana to the concoction would infuse a "sweet-and-sour" twist to the traditional dish. (Let's just say that Vic likes it...but he's had more wine than the rest of us tonight...) I'll admit it, I added the banana, but only due to pier pressure from Vic after Pat's off the wall banana addition idea...but I'm warming up to the results :)


P-Lou said...

This meal is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s.
Hey, I figure if I share my "expertise" every once in a while, folks will know better than to ask me to cook.

Ribhard said...

it was a delightful meal!! i took the leftovers to work and it was even better after the ingredients had an overnight to meld!!!