So Saturday night we went with Valencia and Rob to see David Sedaris. What a funny little man he is! Read from his books mostly and didn't disappoint. He did, however, go on and on - perhaps just a little too long - about what a dirty and gross place China is to visit. Seems people there just spit, blow snot, and openly shit everywhere, making it tough to traverse the landscape. Even babies don't wear diapers; they just wear pants with a slit in the back, so that they are free to dump wherever. (Kind of puts an end to the cloth vs. disposable debate) He went on in great detail about this and commented that it is so extreme that he can't believe that anyone who has visited China neglects to lead with this detail when describing their visit.
I thought it was a great show too...and David said he had read a book by Tobias Wolff :The Barracks Thief over 30 times. It is only 100 pages long and he said it changed his life. I have to get that....posted a request on my paperback.com the same night.
I heart david sedaris.
I put The Barracks Thief on my request library list. Want to know what he found so life altering. Let me know what you think Ribhard.
So, I read the Barracks Thief. Anyone else?
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