i was awoken from my late afternoon nap on the couch yesterday by the swaying of walls, the grumbling of the earth, the violent swinging of houseplants, and the sound of things falling from upright, to upside down, onto the hardwood floor. For nearly half a minute I looked at Lula, and she at me, as we sat near paralyzed on the futon, and i thought 'damn, the earth is going to open up and swallow us whole, and make sure we never leave reno'.
Later that afternoon, while sweeping up the debris of white-popcorn paint which had fallen from the ceiling and copulated with dust bunnies and dog fur - i noticed, to absolute humor and horror, at least a dozen dead centipedes or caterpillars curled in various poses of the fetal position - which until the earthshake I had never seen in my house before. What the.....?
I have heard of raining cats and dogs and frogs once...but not caterpillars. May be a sign from god to inch on down the road?
another, bigger, quake overnight and three more dead centipillars on my hard wood floor.
Ok, there is poetry in all this some how...I'm not sure how.
Symbolism anyone? I'll be mulling this one over.
'Twas the night before the earthquake , when all through the house
Nothing was stirring, not even a wireless mouse;
The sox were hung on the shower curtain with care,
In hopes they would dry…. in the warm Reno air.
The dogs were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of playing fetch! danced in their heads;
Ashlee in her 'kerchief, and jay in his cap,
Had just settled down for a good night’s nap,
When in the living room there arose such a clatter,
Ashlee sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the room she flew like a comet,
Shot in thru the door and almost threw vomit.
The pale moonlight reflected on the hardwood floor
Ashlee wasn’t sure where she was…… any more
When, what to her wondering eyes should appear,
But a smattering of worms scattered….. oh so near.
With a legs and shells it did appear
these were centipedes and various cat-e-pill-eer!!!!
So she cleaned up the mess and slowly shook her head,
While Jay on his back……snored on in the bed.
Now the house was all tidy and clean as a pin,
So Ashlee eased under the covers again.
She wondered what happened or what it all meant,
But she drifted off to sleep without even a hint.
oh my. Valencia was right, there was poetry in this event somehow.
note: other, smaller temblors felt here, and one living centipillar, inching across the hardwood floor.
if you need me, i'll be curled in a ball under the dining room table with a pillow over my head, reciting nursery rhymes.
holy raining centipillars batman
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