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Thursday, May 8, 2008

oh sweet buddha...

just wanted ya'll (that's southern for 'yous guys') to know, because misery loves company, that we felt another big earthquake last night (big being a relative term, as in compared to those where relatives live, like in colorado, florida, and tejas), and there are at least TWELVE more dead centipillars curled in various twists and swirls on my living room floor! AND to make matters sweeter, my vacuum cleaner is broken, making the body-recovery process very hands-on.


Stephany said...

I too felt to earth shake -- and Todd was not with me!-- I instantly thought I better post it on the blog...but I obviously forgot.
I have a working vac... can throw it in the car and come over tomorrow -- you have to get rid of all the tiny carcasses!!!

P-Lou said...

That's a lot of shaking! You'd better pack up the dogs and get out of Reno. Good thing you never got around to getting that mullet haircut - of course, we haven't seen any recent photos of Jay...

Ribhard said...

Yea....very strange indeed that no pictures of the J-man have surfaced lately ...coincedence?

Ribhard said...

where are the centipillars coming from?

Abbzug said...

thanks for the offer stephany!
i'll remember that the next time we have a shaker.

i honestly have no clue where they are coming from, but new ones haven't surfaced since the last quake.