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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Polvo's Law of Go figure...

Yesterday I was trying to locate the source of a water leak (ahh... the joys of homeownership) ... I had narrowed it down to our laundry area ... so I scooted out our washer a little ways but I could only pull it out so far without having to disconnect the lines (which I wasn't interested in doing). Subsequently I had to climb onto the dryer, and try to descend behind the washer, wiggling through a cat's cradle of hoses and cords - while also ducking an overhead shelving unit. Once I finally made it back there I realized that I had to piss.... "go figure" I thought to myself.


P-Lou said...

So did you just go ahead and pee back there?

valencia said...

Yeah, I'm with P-lou...only instead of "pee back there," I would have taken a dump in the washer.

Problem solved.

Ribhard said...

Did you find the leak or take one? Inquiring minds........