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Friday, October 17, 2008

Dude... do you like see what I'm seeing dude?

So I took a bit of the liquid floaty sauce and noticed a couple of interesting things... first of all they made the prescription out for "Austin Allen", now as you know from previous blog postings I go by many different names - typically Justin, or Jason, and now I suppose Austin (which is what my father calls me every now and again as well) but my pharmacist, as if? of all people my pharmacist should certainly know me better by now but that is another matter. Then as I read more (which you can only partially see from this picture) but the label says "Take one teaspoon "by mouth" and I thought - how else would I take one teaspoon of liquid floaty sauce other than "by mouth" - but then as I thought about it more, maybe since it was actually prescribed to "Austin Allen" maybe this disclaimer was necessary?


Ribhard said...

I assume those instructions 'by mouth' were put there specifically by the pharmacy data bank files on aug.

Abbzug said...

hey aug,
you just posted your address on the internets for the whole world to see. when the liquid magic wears off, i would recommend you use your mad photoshop skills to blur that bad boy out.

that's what taller sisters are for.

Polvo'd said...

good point... I must have been medicated or something when I posted it originally.

Ribhard said...

I remember once I posted my address on the web......just to see if anyone would show up. That is how I first met Ed my next door neighbor.