Thursday, January 29, 2009
Too bad so sad ...
Was watching "Man vs. Wild" just now (this guy puts himself into extreme situations and (in an albeit it sensationalized manner) attempts to inform the viewer how to survive in the arctic, or rain Forrest, or in the case of this episode - the desert.
Anyway, in this episode, he proceeds to gut a camel in search of fluids - and I learnt that not only is there a certain amount of "drinkable" fluids "between" the camel's organs which could sustain life (which the host "Bear Grylls" also indeed drinks) but that you can also rip into the stomach and squeeze the "juice" from the digested food (some might call this stuff 'shit') - which is also "drinkable"... anyway... and here's the kicker...
If by chance you've found yourself stranded in a desert somewhere and you've already completely skinned and gutted your camel and you've decided it best to "take shelter" ... um "inside" of the camel's carcASS because you've found yourself up against a nasty sandstorm but worried to yourself "Self, what if I'm hiding inside of this camel's carcAss, and while I may be able to avoid the nasty sand storm what if I tragically get mauled by wild coyotes because they smell the flesh?" then, if you're a man - you should hop out and pee in a circle around your camel-casa - creating essentially a "urine perimeter" and if you did this you've be set! - because the testosterone in your urine would keep the coyotes at bay and you could subsequently drift off into the night nestled inside of a camel's carcass sucking your thumb or whatever! sweet! ... but - BUT! if you're a female and you find yourself taking shelter in a skinned goat carcass to avoid a sandstorm - and thought - HEY! maybe I'll create a urine "force-field" by peeing in a circle around the gutted camel to keep the mangy coyotes at bay - then you've be fucked! because them there coyotes couldn't care less because you're urine lacks the necessary testosterone and so too bad so sad...
I have to admit that now I am already feeling a warm sense of calm come over me and while some might exclaim "MALBEC!" that might indeed be the root cause but I actually think it's because I now know that if I ever find myself stranded in the desert, thirsty - and worried about being attacked by coyotes while taking shelter inside of a camel's carcASS to avoid an impending sand storm - that I'll be "golden".
Monday, January 26, 2009
No Safe Food?
Yea so, once (many years ago) I was eating a salad (definition: green bedding - no tomatoes - for my ranch dressing and croutons) and found a small WORM! on the lettuce. This freaked me out and made me think twice about eating anything that had not been sufficiently processed. I have often stated, "I like to stick to peanut butter crackers; they're processed, clean, wrapped for safety..." Last week, I learnt that the peanut butter and peanut paste used in commercial kitchens, cookies, and peanut butter crackers is the subject of a serious salmonella scare. As you can imagine, I almost choked on my cracker when I heard this. If you can't trust Austin and Little Debbie, who can you trust?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Heard on NPR this morning.......glasses for everyone!!
We revere Santa Claus as our mysterious giver of gifts, but the rest of the world may reserve that spot for Josh Silver
. Professor Joshua Silver, to be specific - a retired physics teacher at Oxford University who has developed “Silver Glasses” which are tunable spectacles that need no optometrist to adjust. That’s because the glasses have syringes filled with silicone liquid connected to each lens, and the wearer only has to inject or suck out the fluid until the view through the lenses looks right. VoilĂ ! No optometrist fees, and the glasses are cheap and rugged. It’s a bit reminiscent of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program, which brought bare-bones laptops to impoverished nations. 10,000 Silver Glasses have already been delivered to Ghana on a trial basis, and Silver and co. hope to send out one million pairs a year, with the hope of having one billion of the spectacles on heads around the world by 2020.
. Professor Joshua Silver, to be specific - a retired physics teacher at Oxford University who has developed “Silver Glasses” which are tunable spectacles that need no optometrist to adjust. That’s because the glasses have syringes filled with silicone liquid connected to each lens, and the wearer only has to inject or suck out the fluid until the view through the lenses looks right. VoilĂ ! No optometrist fees, and the glasses are cheap and rugged. It’s a bit reminiscent of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program, which brought bare-bones laptops to impoverished nations. 10,000 Silver Glasses have already been delivered to Ghana on a trial basis, and Silver and co. hope to send out one million pairs a year, with the hope of having one billion of the spectacles on heads around the world by 2020.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Yay for Aubri!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
we learnt to count.................
I learnt that I am a counter..and I think we all are born to be.......from very early we count toes, fingers, days, money, inches, weight, distance, rooms, cars, orgasms, , shoes, days to retirement, time, books, calories, friends, jobs, hats, and so on and so on and scooby dooby doooooo............
Made a new food group at least for me............
I was screwing around the other night...and making hummus....had an avocado and said what the hell...I put the avocado in with the hummus..garbonzo bean.... in my magic bullet short cup and made a hummus and avocado mix..kinda like a guacamole mix but surprisingly good...with wheat crackers...........
Saturday, January 10, 2009
do you like Parmesan cheese......
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