Yea so, once (many years ago) I was eating a salad (definition: green bedding - no tomatoes - for my ranch dressing and croutons) and found a small WORM! on the lettuce. This freaked me out and made me think twice about eating anything that had not been sufficiently processed. I have often stated, "I like to stick to peanut butter crackers; they're processed, clean, wrapped for safety..." Last week, I learnt that the peanut butter and peanut paste used in commercial kitchens, cookies, and peanut butter crackers is the subject of a serious salmonella scare. As you can imagine, I almost choked on my cracker when I heard this. If you can't trust Austin and Little Debbie, who can you trust?
also a favorite of mine....
"Ironically" following Aubri's surgery the surgeon (while still not sure what happened) told us he thought it could have been ecoli or salmonella that essentially ripped a whole in her "peritoneum"... unfortunately none of the "Samples" that they "extracted" from Aubri "Grew" in the petri dishes so they were unable to confirm one way or another.
Should we warn Jill about Austin's creations?
This is another reason to just eat boiled peanuts............great tasting and safe!
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