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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

we learnt to count.................

I learnt that I am a counter..and I think we all are born to be.......from very early we count toes, fingers, days, money, inches, weight, distance, rooms, cars, orgasms, , shoes, days to retirement, time, books, calories, friends, jobs, hats, and so on and so on and scooby dooby doooooo............


valencia said...

Um, me too but I wasn't aware that I should be counting orgasms.

Hmmm, I find myself strangely . . .

P-Lou said...

I read once that Americans are obsessed with counting, poll taking, measuring, etc.. Actually, it wasn't once; I have read that 3 times.

Ribhard said...

I always think of the Count on Sesame street when I count in my head....but sometimes I actually say it outloud......which usually doesn't matter ....except in the bedroom or crowded elevator.