This weekend we flew to Seattle then went to visit our friend Faye at her new BAH (Big Ass House) that she built. (Yea, she was the general contractor!) Anyway, I learned that if you build a shower with enough shower heads (8 to be exact), Ribhard will never want to leave "water world". (You're welcome, D-Unit. I know you were just about to comment thanking me for not posting a picture of Ribhard in the shower.)
thanks for the attempt to spare me P-lou... however, as I've always said, if I've read one posting about Ribberds showering preferences I think that's one too many.
However - when I think about 8 shower heads I'm reminded of college where I recall one dorm patron saying (apparently complaining about water pressure and temperature) that the shower was "like 5 guys taking a warm piss on you" ...
Now - while I wouldn't know what that's like - I'd imagine he wasn't showering in this particular one that you've shown us here.
Maybe Ribburd can at least put this nagging question to rest - was it like having 8 guys take a warm piss on you? or better? and if yes, is that why you wanted to stay in there?
actually - nevermind - that would make two Ribberd showering posts, and again - one is too many.
Yes, indeed this is a picture of the very shower that Ribhard enjoyed.
well once again...I can shed light on this question of "guys pissin on you"..not five or 8..but 2..I think........Daytona races from back in the day...perhaps a story for another time.......
this blog seems to slant to a lot of pissin and moanin here lately.
you can say that again Ribturd
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