I saw Steph the other day and she gave me a bag of "prunes". I ate them and remembered that I love prunes but I haven't bought any in years. So, a few days later, while shopping at the local King Sooper I eased down the aisle to buy some. I saw prunes and plums. The prunes were $4.95 a bag (2 oz.) and the plums were $2.99 a bag (10 oz.). Since I am taking an Economics class this semester, I immediately pulled out my trusty Virgin Mobile pimp phone, mashed the correct combination of keys to get me to TOOLS, went down to CALCULATOR, and determined my best buy, from strictly a monetary view was the plums. A few days later, while Skyping with Steph, I mentioned the good deal I got on plums vs. prunes. And that they tasted just as good. She advised me that plums are the same as prunes. I never knew that and frankly was skeptical. So of course I wikopediaed her ass and found out: Dried Plums as they're called in the U.S. and Prunes, as they're still known in the rest of the world are the same thing. (And a bonus tidbit: California produces more dried plums/prunes than the rest of the world combined...which reminded me of the "fact" that Polk County Florida grows more oranges than all of California..which may have been true back in the day, but I seriously doubt now). Anyway, this proves we are never too old to learn some very important stuff.
1 comment:
this one should be tagged 'science'.
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