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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the woodford project

in times when you are searching for something to do other than what needs to be done, leopold and i bought ourselves a green fixer upper in old town fort collins, whose listing read "could benefit nicely from complete renovation", and so i decided today, while searching for something to do other than what needs to be done, that i should most definitely blog about our forthcoming trials and tribulations with said shelter, so check it out (if you find yourself in the aforementioned position, with nothing to do but avoid doing what you should be doing), and of course feel free to comment, lend advice, borrow witty quotes, or leave something of value.


Polvo'd said...

I just told my son "hey nathan, you have a "woodford" on your arm"

"what's a woodford dad?" he asked

"it's a project" I said

Ribhard said...

as always...i play word associatio when I see a new word such as: woodford

first 5 things that seeped into my mind:

Stepford wife
Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein
Woody Woodpecker
The woods are lovely dark and deep
Wooly Bully

This information is offered for no particular reason other than to avoid doing things I should be doing rat mowing the yard.

Polvo'd said...

if your woodford last for more than 4 hours, seek medical attention.

Abbzug said...


P-Lou said...

The first house I owned was on Whitford St.

Abbzug said...

did it have a purple kitchen? well it's more like lavender, and doesn't have any legitimate cabinets (pictures to follow). I have a theory about those who like purple.

Ribhard said...

wasn't it shakespear who said "to woodford or not to woodford..that is the question"

P-Lou said...

Do tell the purple theory, Abbzug!

Abbzug said...

do you like purple?
it is a theory in progress.

Polvo'd said...
