...so I'm reading the Sunday paper, watching the bunnies in the backyard, drinking my coffee, you know, just chillin' - when I come across this year's list of tired, banned words and expressions. The word "chillaxin'" tops the list! I have never heard or used this word, and now it's banned??? Ribhard and I have made a pact to overuse it for a little while before we drop it. I was glad to see that "apps" is on the list because I am SO over that one - even though a few months ago I didn't know what an app was.
So here is their reasoning on these 2 words:
Nominated for several years. We couldn't chill about it anymore.
"Heard everywhere from MTV to ESPN to CNN. A bothersome term that seeks to combine chillin' with relaxin' makes me want to be 'axin' this word." – Tammy, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
"A made-up word used by annoying Gen-Yers." – Chris Jensen, Fond du Lac, Wisc.
"Horrifying overuse, even in face-to-face conversation… It should receive bonus points for its ability to exhort the opposite reaction from the receiver." – Bret Bledsoe, Cincinnati, Ohio.
"Must we b sbjct to yt another abrv? Why does the English language have to fit on a two-inch screen? I hate the sound of it. I think I'll listen to a symph on the rad." -- Edward R. Bolt, Grand Rapids, Mich.
"Is there an 'app' for making this annoying word go away? Why can't we just call them 'programs' again?" – Kuahmel Allah, Los Angeles, Calif.
Our friends at Lake Superior State University have been compiling these lists for years. You can see the banned list for 2010 and also click on several past years by visiting www.lssu.edu/banished.