I turn the aisle near the pots and pans....and much to my delight I see an endcap display with the exquisite GT101 Xpress Redi-Set-Go "as seen on TV"....a product I have coveted for some time...(it acutally was up there with my desire for the "Magic Bullet" also as seen on TV.) The GT101 is marked down to $26.49 and sitting there big as life...no ordering..no shipping...no handling..no waiting. I run and get plou out of the return line and make her come back and see it. She is kinda luke warm and not as excited as I am about the prospect of owning the Xpress unit. Just about that time, Plou hears the announcement "for the next 20 mins.........40% off on all cookwear". She is sold at this point........We grab the GT101 and dash to the check out counter. The woman is kinda on the fence about the GT101 qualifying for the discount. Plou had asked a worker bee and the bee had said "Yes it qualifies". She mentions this to the cashier..... The check out lady, still hesitant, got another associate to come and ring it up.....40% OFF!!!!!! We pay and sprint to the car before they can change their mind.
I could hardly sleep last night anticipating making some of the "101 GT101 Recipes" that came with the unit. I bounced up, and made an egg omlette with cheese, turkey bacon, onions, bell pepper, and spices...added that to my grits and toast and had a very satisfying breakfast!!
But wait, there's more!
Let the record show I was NOT in the return line as I had no Kmart returns - Ribhard just imagines that is where I am when he cannot find me. Also, it is due to my acute hearing and auditory attentiveness (as the blue light was NOT flashing) that Ribhard was able to score this beautiful item for $15.89, a significant savings over the 3 easy payments ot $19.99.
Holy CRAP! I didn't even read your post yet, I was so excited by the picture.
I freakin' love that thing! That crazy red haired lady shoving weird crap into that thing is my favorite infomercial.
Sometimes I just get a box'o wine, sit back and watch her shove candy bars into cake batter, hot dogs into cornmeal, leftover fajita meat into eggs... sprinkle a little cheese...magic I tell you, Magic!
Is America great, or what?!
Damn Skippy Valencia!! The commercial is almost as good as the Magic Bullet (which yall gave me a few years back) remember the one with the motherinlaw smoking and the english guy hopping his ass around fixing 8 margarittas and 6 seven course dinners in about 25 seconds?
I agree this readhaired woman is the bomb! she sends the 101 recipe book with the cooker...basically anything that would normally be tossed in the garbage disposal,fed to gracie, or thrown in the garbage now will go into the GT101!!!!!
PS: Yall might all be surprised this xmas....bacon grease ice trays AND AN "AS SEEN ON TV" ITEM.....you never know............
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