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Saturday, March 6, 2010

I learnt no mo "Hey Song" at NFL evetns..........

I learnt the NFL banned this song.......for those not up on their '70s glam rockers:

Gary Glitter's instrumental portion (Part 2) attracted most of the attention; it hit #7 on the Billboard Hot 100 back in the years since, Part 2 of the song has often been played at various sporting events particularly when the home teams scores (or wins).

The nickname "The Hey Song" refers to fact that the only intelligible word in Part 2 is the exclamation of "hey," punctuating the end of several instrumental phrases and repeated three times at the song's chorus. At sporting events, fans often insert their own "hey," or sometimes other chanted syllables

Gary Glitter's life took a turn for the worse since he gave us "Rock and Roll, Part II," He's served three years in prison in Vietnam after being convicted in March of 2006 of child molestation. A 1999 conviction on possession of child pornography in Britain got him two months in jail you probably don't see much of him on the oldy goldy concert circuits any more.

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