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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

One of you smarter people........

Figure out how to make the blog open with the new items (that have been added) shown first......can someone do that?


P-Lou said...

I don't get the question: that's how it always comes up (most recent at the top) on my computer - which at home is, I believe, your computer too... Ok, i just checked it. Go to Customize then check edit under Block Archive. (Style should say Heirarchy, and under Options, check Show Post Titles, but do NOT check Show Oldest Posts First.)

Polvo'd said...

try just turning your monitor upside down? or standing on your head?

Ribhard said...

I turned the monitor upside down...and stood on my head.....but had to take it in the bathroom to read it with double mirrors..and almost fell off the sink cabinet.........and I still can't see just the new stuff added.........