I think someone ought to make a website that would help us "picture" identify things......like I found a seed-looking brown plant-thing at the beach that looked like 3 nuts grown together from one stem.......I should be able to put that picture on a website and have it identified.
Also, while "they" are at it, there should be a site that would identify sounds.....like if I hear a sound in the middle of the night six nights in a row......that is strange and different...I should be able to record the sound and put it out there for identification......and maybe the site could have a catalog of all sounds....say I have a 94 Subaru and it makes a sound like "Eeeeeewoooooooothaaaaaa" when I turn right.....I should be able to listen to every sound that is close to Eeeeeeewoooothaaaaaa" and figure out the problem.
I mean come on now...how hard could it be?
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Walking around a Wal-mart for no apparent reason

I saw they sell a product called "Beef Bacon"......which I have never heard of or imagined....right in the bacon section of the Wally World.
I am guessing if you are Jewish you can eat this without guilt?
Is America great or what?
And for the record...the Wal-Mart in Gulfport does not carry Canadian Bacon....so don't even think about it.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A friend of mine recently said that my name in Swahili meant "screw ball" and I felt compelled to verify this claim. I did learn that a 'white faced tree duck' in Swahili is a "bata-miti uso-mwepe", and "dust" is "fubmi" and since I too am white faced and my name contains "dust" then maybe my Swahili name is actually "Bata-miti-fubmi"... However I couldn't disprove the assertion that maybe Bata-miti-fubmi could also mean "screw ball"
Apparently every picture we've ever put on these blogs is automatically stored in an Album on Picasaweb.google.com - and you can see each picture we've ever put on including the blog title pictures, summarized for each blog. Pretty cool. Just need to sign in and it can tell based on your signon which blogs you're a member of and it links you to those pictures.
I just learned what Tegestology is. This is going to be a good learning day I can tell already!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Blog Picture
I'm trying to figure out the nature of the blog's title photo....
That looks like the inside of a court room (not that I'd know) but based on what I see on TV. The gal in front looks a wee bit "scorned" if you will... and when I see the two guys in the back I can't help but be reminded of all the recent news involving gay marriage in California maybe? (I have not idea just trying to figure this picture out) ... so ... court house... couple of dudes... some gal is upset... hmm... any other ideas? This the People's Court? Judge Judy? A couple of them are wearing green... maybe Boston Celtics fans? That guy in the back right looks familiar... maybe he was wearing that shirt at some wedding I went to, or... actually he looks like someone who cleaned our carpets..no... nevermind.
Because the gal in front and the dude in the back right are apart from each other - and she's not happy - leads me to believe those two might be married to one another - Maybe she's a Celtic fan and he's a Laker Fan? hard to say. The dude in the back left seems to be relaxed a bit - meaning he's not yet experienced marriage, possibly? Again, not sure - just trying my hand at blog reading (modern form of palm reading).
Anyway - I hope they learned something. And they should consider playing the following Lottery numbers ... 2, 17, and 74
That looks like the inside of a court room (not that I'd know) but based on what I see on TV. The gal in front looks a wee bit "scorned" if you will... and when I see the two guys in the back I can't help but be reminded of all the recent news involving gay marriage in California maybe? (I have not idea just trying to figure this picture out) ... so ... court house... couple of dudes... some gal is upset... hmm... any other ideas? This the People's Court? Judge Judy? A couple of them are wearing green... maybe Boston Celtics fans? That guy in the back right looks familiar... maybe he was wearing that shirt at some wedding I went to, or... actually he looks like someone who cleaned our carpets..no... nevermind.
Because the gal in front and the dude in the back right are apart from each other - and she's not happy - leads me to believe those two might be married to one another - Maybe she's a Celtic fan and he's a Laker Fan? hard to say. The dude in the back left seems to be relaxed a bit - meaning he's not yet experienced marriage, possibly? Again, not sure - just trying my hand at blog reading (modern form of palm reading).
Anyway - I hope they learned something. And they should consider playing the following Lottery numbers ... 2, 17, and 74
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
how to make a low fat taco shell
Store bought taco shells are deep fried and loaded with fat. That's why they taste so damn good.

If you want a taco that is low in fat, drape a 6" corn tortillas directly over the bars of your oven rack, bake for 10 minutes at 400 Fahrenheit.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Everyone and their dad
Today, I learnt that if you meet your friend HoBag at the only Par 3 course in town on Father's Day, you are going to wait so long at each tee that you wished you had worn sun block. Here is a shot of Ribhard's famous stance - with a glimpse in the background of both Pikes Peak (sans the snow cap that it wore just 9 days ago when we left for FL the first time this summer) and HoBag (never a snow cap).
and the wind blew..............
Saturday, June 14, 2008
rock on.
hey have you guys ever checked out this online radio: http://www.pandora.com - you put in your favorite artist/song/whatever, and they create a music list you might like.
Friday, June 13, 2008
did you ever wonder.........
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Village Vineyards
Friday, June 6, 2008

Leopold signed a lease yesterday on a house in Colorado built in 1895.
The guy who owns it said, "now, i need to tell you two things before you sign this lease. First...you can't fit a king size bed up the stairs",
"okay" said Leo. "and second?"
"second" he said, "well second, there's ghosts in the house".
It's not even 8am and I've learnt something valuable...
A "gurn" is a distorted facial expression, and a verb to describe the action. A typical gurn might involve projecting the lower jay as far forward and up as possible, and covering the upper lip with the lower lip.
The English Dialect dictionary, compiled by Joseph Wright, defines the word gurn as 'to snarl as a dog; to look savage; to distort the countenance', while the Oxford English Dictionary suggests the derivation may originally be Scottish, related to 'grin'.
The English Dialect dictionary, compiled by Joseph Wright, defines the word gurn as 'to snarl as a dog; to look savage; to distort the countenance', while the Oxford English Dictionary suggests the derivation may originally be Scottish, related to 'grin'.
According to MSNBC, "Gurning" is "... the art of making grotesque faces while sticking your head throug a horse's collar" The world champion is selected annually during the Egremont Crab Apple fair. The event is said to date back to 1267... "
Thursday, June 5, 2008
So I was thinking....
I've decided since my "thought process" is a rather long one - that I'll actually put the majority of this post in the comments section so as to not push every other entry in this blog down a few pages. That being said... read at your own risk of boredom.
What I learnt today....

What will they come up with next? You can't just put any old blanket over your shoulder to nurse your newborn...NO, NO, NO!
Any new "hip mother" has to have a HOOTER HIDER to nurse your child...did you know this? More importantly, do you care?
This amazing contraption velcros around your neck, and then it has a bendy kinda wire at the bottom of the blanket that lays over your abdomen and baby so that everything and everyone is covered...and the best, it has a little mesh window at the top, so that you can check in on the kid and boob at any time without lifting the blanket.
Some friends came over last weekend...time to nurse the new baby...and she whips this out -before whipping out the boob- first things first...and I laughed my ass off.
Valencia make note when you are ready to become a hip mother!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sponges: Animal - plant - mineral?

I learnt that sponges are animals and not plants. This was a fact that I never knew or perhaps was in ram memory at one time. You would think I knew about sponges because I use to live near Tarpon Springs, Florida. Which was a town of Greeks that was there for the sole purpose of harvesting sponges, selling gyros, and baklava.
Vic has mentioned this word a couple times and it hit me last night... the term "Work" should really be defined as "a byproduct of one's inability to fully capitalize on the benefits of delegation"
Vic has mentioned this word a couple times and it hit me last night... the term "Work" should really be defined as "a byproduct of one's inability to fully capitalize on the benefits of delegation"
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Don we now our gay apparel................

I learnt that you can be looking at some lyrics website and run across some very thought provoking phrases:
Deck the halls with boughs of holly Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la'
Tis the season to be jolly Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Don we now our gay apparel Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la.
Troll the ancient Yule-tide carol Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.
Now I can see the gay apparel, given the time and place (and the fact that I live in GP near Barry).........but trolling the ancient yule-tide carol? Can I get a hand on this one?
Monday, June 2, 2008
Descriptive Phrase learnt this week................

My daughter, Cari, was telling me about the intelligence level at a Wal-mart near her house in Ocala, Florida. After explaining that tightening up training wheels on a kids bike seemed to be a real challenge for several associates, she noted that the store might have been built "too close to the forest".
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