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Monday, June 30, 2008

sights and sounds

I think someone ought to make a website that would help us "picture" identify I found a seed-looking brown plant-thing at the beach that looked like 3 nuts grown together from one stem.......I should be able to put that picture on a website and have it identified.

Also, while "they" are at it, there should be a site that would identify if I hear a sound in the middle of the night six nights in a row......that is strange and different...I should be able to record the sound and put it out there for identification......and maybe the site could have a catalog of all sounds....say I have a 94 Subaru and it makes a sound like "Eeeeeewoooooooothaaaaaa" when I turn right.....I should be able to listen to every sound that is close to Eeeeeeewoooothaaaaaa" and figure out the problem.

I mean come on hard could it be?


Abbzug said...

indeed! i thought the same exact thing when we moved here. I needed to identify a flag that the guy and his sons across the street had flyin' high up on a flagpole in their yard. I thought for sure it was some sort of confederate flag, but i wasn't able to upload it to check its DNA.

And, then there were these fat birds running around, and i do mean running, and when they ran the dingleberry that hung in front of their faces would fly back, probably to make them more aerodynamic.

Polvo'd said...

sounds like a CV Joint needs replacing.