Leopold signed a lease yesterday on a house in Colorado built in 1895.
The guy who owns it said, "now, i need to tell you two things before you sign this lease. First...you can't fit a king size bed up the stairs",
"okay" said Leo. "and second?"
"second" he said, "well second, there's ghosts in the house".
sweet.... what was leopold's response to that? did he sign the lease?
Just don't say beetlejuice 3 times or what's the trick?
i think he said something like "oh really?" with intonation like "oh REally..."
i guess that's the trick. Anyone else have any advice? Should i offer them tea?
I would taunt them...
We had many of these roamin around our house in Florida when I grew up....we named them and hung out with them lots of times....some were quiet friendly ....it was not uncommon to see them all over the place....we would romp with them in the house.......play with them
in the barn....frolic all day back down in the fields...play hide and seek out in the woods.....they learned their names and could follow simple commands....oh wait a minute I thought you were talking about goats. nevermind.
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