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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

4 goodness sense

I learnt that at Walmart,

Sprite "without" sugar costs

4 cents more than Sprite

"with" Suger... and that

makes zero cents.


Ribhard said...

Welcome to you need a cart?

Polvo'd said...

I think I recall some morning talk-radio show one time voting on who you'd "Least want to see naked" and Walmart greeters topped the list. I think about this every time I go into Walmart....

I can't help but wonder what the Walmart greeters in Colorado Springs look like? or even Reno for that matter?

I wonder if there is online "Walmart-Greeter-Fetish" porn? that would be hot no?

skippy said...

Why is it that if you get a midget hooker, she costs more than one that is twice her size? That does not make zero sense, but it does cost about $75 dollars...

Ribhard said...

sounds like the voice of experience from skippy talking.........