Introducing new blog blood. For those of you who may not have met him at the wedding, today's comment on one of the blog entries written below was posted by one of Oliver's groomsmen and boyhood friends, my longlost "stepson", Skippy! Skippy is more than just a pretty face; I hope to be hearing more from you, Skippy.
Oliver had friends? Well that certainly is fitting for "Stuff we learnt today" isn't it.
I think the skippster might be one wild and crazy guy...he kinda reminds me of a heavier Polvo.....
"heavier"??!! How skinny is Polvo these days? ("He ain't heavy; he's my Skippy.")
12% body fat
I was buying the 10%, thinking lean was better. I discovered, though, that you need 20% (80/20) for flavor for burgers - or even tacos. Then there's that whole caution about not buying at all - if you're getting the milk for free. All confusing, but, BOTTOM line, what I learnt is that leaner is not always better.
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