Did some simple math. In 2007 there were around 300 Million people in the United States. However, another query indicates that, of that 300 Million, there are really only around 117 million "tax payers". I.e. many people in the U.S.A. don't pay taxes, i.e. elderly, children, college age, prisoners, etc., anyway so 117 Million tax payers. The U.S. has recently bailed out the following:
AIG = $85 Billion
Fannie / Freddie = $100 Billion
Bear Sterns = $30 Billion
Total = $215 Billion from tax payers to these companies. That's $1,837.00 from each tax payer. Not to mention I'm scratching my head a little here... I read about Russia and Venezuela taking over private companies and absorbing them into the government - hmm...
Technically if they're using my money - shouldn't I now have $1,837.00 worth of stocks in those companies? and if the stocks go up I can make some money?
Isn't this a governement for the people by the people? Just askin'.. I wonder if there is a glitch in the matrix or the space time continuim or something.
Great Scott!
Admirable math and logic, but, when dealing with the government, don't forget you're just a little guy, Mr. PingPing.
Just bend over and smile..when dealing with our government....we are all gonna get it in the end.
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