Following the revelation that Ribbhard was delivered to Chucky and Betty for the discount price of $68.60 ("prior" to the advent of discount cards I might add) - a debate had ensued regarding Ribhard's own "Cheapass" tendencies - or lack there of. Subsequently I submit to you two excerpts from his own postings. I have also added a poll to the right in hopes of settling this debate.
Exhibit A: "...I learnt that when wine quits coming out of the ain't empty! You take the plastic liner out of the box and tilt it this way and that....and get the last 2 - 3 ounces of delicious wine."
Exhibit B: "If you go to Winn-Dixie around 7:00 PM on a Saturday and try to buy cheapass wine that is on sale for $4.99 / 1.5 ltr...and don't have your damn Winn-Dixie preferred shopping card..........they will try to make you pay the full $6.99 price.........and if you give them your phone number and they can't make your shopping card number come up...they will still try to make you pay the full price...........and when you tell them to take it off the charge card..they will have to call the manager to come over and do a code seven with his key and secret code...and you will waste about 15 minutes of your life that you will never get back. ...which is all the more reason we should all avoid shopping at any store that makes you show some sillyass card to get the cheap price..........(except King Sooper because they are close to my apartment).."
You be the judge.
For the record, I 'was' going to say he was so cheap that he once jerked off the dog to feed the cat but that would have been inappropriate, and I was raised better than that. So I didn't go there.
I'm glad your didn't.
If it please the court, your honor, it would seem that Mr. Polvo has presented 2 exhibits that evidence a problem with alcohol more than money.
And further more your honor, and memebers of the jury, I move to refer this item to committee and allow counsil adequate time to prepare a rebutal, dispute the charges, bring forth witnesses and produce evidence to deny these charges.
(counsil is busy today doing housework and fixing chicken wings.)
upon review, ah doesn't reckon eifer item kin be used aginst ribhard, cuss it all t' o'der fo' these letters (aledged t'be fum ribhard) t'be admitted into court, th' autho''d hafta testify thet he did indeed write these letters an' they is authentic. An' thet may lead us t'thet whole fif'h amendment thin'y: thet involves th' ack of refusin' t'testify unner oath in a court of law on th' groun' thet th' answers thet'd be given c'd be used as evidence aginst th' witness t'convick him, dawgone it.
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