While cleaning out some old papers, I came across the birth/delivery expenses for the one and only Baby Boy Miller, born 10-01-50. I call him Dad, you know him better as Ribhard...or better yet, The Answer Man.
Just comes to show that this baby boy was born cheap and continues to be cheap to this very day....can you say "box o'wine"?
Just click on the pic...that GRAND total for baby boy Miller was $68.60, with 4 days room & board!
He can't help it yall....he is what he is :)
Ribhard had a mom?
Inflation aside... I'd say Betty got ripped off. Think about it.. a baby Ribhard that screams and poops processed grits and microwaved turkey bacon, and spits up chicken livers all over his Nascar bib or $68.60? You do the math...
I suppose the adage is true... you get what you pay for.
Wow! What a sweet deal Betty Jean got! The cheap thing didn't stay with him, though. Ribhard is always the first one to open his wallet "whenever two or more shall gather". Maybe he can afford his generosity with the $ he saves on boxed wine!(Yes, Polvo, Ribhard has a mom - to picture her, frame the face of a smiling John McCain with some slightly longer and fluffier white hair.)
Whoa!Whoa!Whoa!Patty-Lou! Your statement comes across that being cheap is a "bad thing". I am proud to have learned from the best! I shop craigslist daily and pray that maybe one day an ARC will open up here in Reno. I priced the Franzia box o'wine just a few hours ago at WinCo food mart (where those of us looking for a food deal go..just be sure to check the expiration date!)
AND, do we really want to open the door on who looks like whom on this years ticket? ha! ha!
Ironically... Abzug, if you didn't know it, does look a weeee bit like Sarah Palin
woah, dude. too far.
I think with inflation factored in...the hospital bill is about $65,000 or so...........and man that was a long time ago...in a galaxie far far away......
PS Polvo I have never seen a picture of abbzug in a bikini with a gun...(but I do have one slightly out of focus of Jay)
upon closer examination...it looks like my bill came with a credit...I was off and running with cash-back from day one!!!
You're right, Steph, I think "cheap" is a bad thing. Definitions include "of poor quality", "stingy" and "miserly". None of these words describes your dad - or you! He does, though, so enjoy the hunt for a good deal or a rare find! (See ARC.)
I think I might be a tad bit financially conservative...after all we pretty much live on a fuxed income out here. and chicken wings and livers ain't getting no cheaper last time I checked (about an hour ago).
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