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Friday, February 6, 2009

In the name of survival...


valencia said...

On behalf of Abbzug, he's hot . . . he's soooo hot!

Abbzug said...

I'm going to have to agree with me on this one.

Polvo'd said...

I think ribburd should find a critter outside and upload a video of him eating it...

Abbzug said...

i think that kind of behavior is frowned upon in the 'springs.

Polvo'd said...

yes I understand in Colo Spigs the critter must be blessed and a prayer must be said before it is eaten... so... carry on accordingly.

P-Lou said...

Yes, you need to be careful in the Springs, or, as Elmer Fudd would say,
"You have to be weawy weawy quiet." (advice I try to remember at work)