PS: We suggest that you reevaluate your membership commitment from a three month payment plan to a day by day plan.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Ok so I joined weight watchers on-line...
PS: We suggest that you reevaluate your membership commitment from a three month payment plan to a day by day plan.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Papa, where do reindeer come from?
Went to a neighbor's house for cocktails-n-cookies tonight. On our way home, well, it was actually out of the way by a half-block, we visited the reindeer display at another neighbor's house. Jay, having had a few too many rudolphs, decided to give baby Grayson a mini-lesson in livestock husbandry. A photo-opportunity if there ever was one, kids.
Oh, my!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Is america great or what????
As the Tim Tebow legend has grown, some wags have spoofed on his religion and miracle-making ways and said they won't believe in him until he performs a Jesus-like feat and turns the Gatorade into wine.
Well, how about beer?
The Bonfire Brewery, according to its Facebook page, is on the case. The Colorado brewery today posted an image of a kneeling (or "Tebowing") Tebow lookalike, in silhouette, holding a beer mug. And made this accompanying announcement about Tebrew beer:
"Tebrew Sunday Sipper -- a barleywine from Bonfire -- is almost here. In the style of 4th quarter heroics, we're waiting until the last minute to serve it up -- the moment the 10 oz. glasses arrive, the real games can begin. Stay tuned."
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Rats have feelings too...........
I really don't give a rat's ass if you care about rats or not....but this story on NPR the other day was very interesting.......something to think about when you are done with all your chores, relaxing in the big chair in front of the fire place:
A new study found that rats are actually quite willing to come to another rat's aid, freeing a rat trapped in a container. And they're not just doing it for a dose of sugar water or some other reward; they're doing it out of empathy of the other rat's plight."
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
If you ask nice, Plou will cook!
it is hard to beat a good home cooked meal: slow cooked pork roast, onions, bell pepers, carrots, mushroom soup, with a side of those good ole greenbeans with french fried onion rings, and home made buttermilk cornbread!!!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Foam Duck Lips?
plou and i heard this song on the radio...couldn't get the lyrics but sounded a lot like "all the little kids with foam duck lips".....texted polvo and he said it was either " Dump truck bricks" or "thumped up tricks" or " all the little girls with the frumped up sticks".....I still think it is foam duck lips!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
wow we finally got it!!!
You know how we always wanted to be able to Search by Image? well Google has that option now....we can pop in a picture of a whatchamacallit and find similar thing!!!!
Learn more about images on the web and your own photos
just to test it this is the image i put in a jpeg from my food pictures to search:
this is what I got:
is america great or what?
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Cool kids club. Yo.
Monday, October 3, 2011
What Osric Learnt today . . .
Monday, September 19, 2011
Can your boobs save a life,or from breaking a limb?

I ask you again...if put in the same situation...Could Your Boob Do The Same?
Sunday, September 18, 2011
"Does a bear sh*t in your yard?"
A: Yes! This weekend I learned - finally - not to roll the trash bin out the night before trash day. 'woke up Friday morning to heavy fog and trash shredded all over the lawn - 2nd time in 6 weeks. (George Bush: 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, I'm not putting the trash out until Friday morning.') On Sat, neighbor confirmed he had seen mama bear and 2 cubs picnicing at midnight
under the pine tree in our front yard. I actually had to shovel bear sh*t before mowing! (Hello - this is why I don't have a dog!) This followed the 6 a.m. Friday morning job of picking up trash and sweeping something that looked like flour* off the driveway and parts of the lawn. (*See previous blog entry below...perhaps)
under the pine tree in our front yard. I actually had to shovel bear sh*t before mowing! (Hello - this is why I don't have a dog!) This followed the 6 a.m. Friday morning job of picking up trash and sweeping something that looked like flour* off the driveway and parts of the lawn. (*See previous blog entry below...perhaps)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Ribhard and Valencia's spouse deep fry chicken, onion rings, and wings
This was some production last sunday. Rob brought the cooker attachment from his grill and hooked it up to our propane tank. He also brought about 50 lbs of chicken and wings, seasoned, flourered and all ready to deep fry. I bought a FryDaddy to do the onion rings. Plou made us cook outside after we did deep fried onion rings in the house the week before. We had a great meal with all the sides. We kinda make this a sunday get together....lots of food...lots of beer!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
i know very little about advertising...........
or the psychology of images and printed words to get a point across...but for some reason, this ad does not sit well with me. (double click the picture to get full effect)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
check out the local toll free number
Is this like the best phone number ever or what??????
14100 68th Street North
Largo, FL 33771
License #: CFC046000
Largo, FL 33771
License #: CFC046000
Local Phone: | |
727.438.2986 | |
Local Toll Free: | Pay With: |
866.867.5309 |
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
does st pete beach have it going on or what?

Thursday, June 23, 2011
Hamlet -- Act 5 Scene II

Sir, his definement suffers no perdition in you;
though, I know, to divide him inventorially would
dizzy the arithmetic of memory, and yet but yaw
neither, in respect of his quick sail. But, in the
verity of extolment, I take him to be a soul of
great article; and his infusion of such dearth and
rareness, as, to make true diction of him, his
semblable is his mirror; and who else would trace
him, his umbrage, nothing more.
Nay, good my lord; for mine ease, in good faith.
Sir, I come here newly to this land; believe
me, for I an absolute gentleman, full of most excellent
differences, of very soft society and great showing:
indeed, to speak feelingly of myself, I am the card or
calendar of gentry, for you shall find me in the
continent of what part a gentleman would see.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Your Day In Court
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
oats of Steel
So I kept hearing about Steel Cut Oats and finally bought some. I was a little taken back at the cost ($3.50 as my usual oatmeal is about $1.50)....I get the box home and open it up and see little rabbit pellets!...this disturbs me...but I figure WTF...start to fix a batch and read the instructions which say to cook 20 - 25 minutes.....the old regular oatmeal takes about 5 mins.......and I honestly did not taste that much difference....just the texture ..... I am wondering what the big deal is about these steel cut oats? I'm just askin!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Keepin' It Clean with David Sedaris

So Saturday night we went with Valencia and Rob to see David Sedaris. What a funny little man he is! Read from his books mostly and didn't disappoint. He did, however, go on and on - perhaps just a little too long - about what a dirty and gross place China is to visit. Seems people there just spit, blow snot, and openly shit everywhere, making it tough to traverse the landscape. Even babies don't wear diapers; they just wear pants with a slit in the back, so that they are free to dump wherever. (Kind of puts an end to the cloth vs. disposable debate) He went on in great detail about this and commented that it is so extreme that he can't believe that anyone who has visited China neglects to lead with this detail when describing their visit.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
I learned they make a refrigerator with a Sabbath Mode Switch
Did yall know they make a refrigerator with a switch that cuts off on the sabbath? Well this was news to me. We snagged an icebox at Lowe's because our old one died. The new one has this special switch. I wonder if they have any thing for atheists? |
A Shabbat mode refrigerator includes, at a minimum, the ability to disable all lights or other electrical activity from occurring when the refrigerator door is opened. Some Shabbat mode refrigerators include a timer for the compressor so that opening the door, which will normally indirectly cause the compressor to turn on as the temperature rises, will have absolutely no effect on any electrical operation of the appliance.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Gamification: The next big thing?
March 27, 2011
Say you're zooming down the highway, when you spot one of those speed-limit enforcement cameras from the corner of your eye. You hit the brakes, but not before the camera's flash catches you breaking the law. A speeding ticket is surely on its way to your mailbox.
A car passes a warning sign for speed cameras. Now, imagine that same camera also snaps a photo of your car when you are driving at orunder the speed limit. For your safe driving, you are entered into a lottery to win a portion of the money from fines paid by speeders.That idea was tested in Sweden with great success. It's an example of "gamification," considered the next wave of social engagement and Internet technology.
Gamification "is the process of using game thinking and game mechanics to engage users and solve problems," says Gabe Zichermann, co-author of the book Game-Based Marketingand chairman of the Gamification Summit.He tells Weekend Edition Sunday host Liane Hansen that the speed-camera lottery in Sweden turns the whole idea of fines and penalties on its head, in a way that only "game people" think of. Instead of being structured around punishment and negativity, he says, the speed-camera lottery is "all about positive reinforcement." If you drive the speed limit, or under it, you may win some money.
Say you're zooming down the highway, when you spot one of those speed-limit enforcement cameras from the corner of your eye. You hit the brakes, but not before the camera's flash catches you breaking the law. A speeding ticket is surely on its way to your mailbox.
A car passes a warning sign for speed cameras. Now, imagine that same camera also snaps a photo of your car when you are driving at orunder the speed limit. For your safe driving, you are entered into a lottery to win a portion of the money from fines paid by speeders.That idea was tested in Sweden with great success. It's an example of "gamification," considered the next wave of social engagement and Internet technology.
Gamification "is the process of using game thinking and game mechanics to engage users and solve problems," says Gabe Zichermann, co-author of the book Game-Based Marketingand chairman of the Gamification Summit.He tells Weekend Edition Sunday host Liane Hansen that the speed-camera lottery in Sweden turns the whole idea of fines and penalties on its head, in a way that only "game people" think of. Instead of being structured around punishment and negativity, he says, the speed-camera lottery is "all about positive reinforcement." If you drive the speed limit, or under it, you may win some money.
"And that positive incentive to create better behavior," he says, "is a core tenet of games.
what do yall think?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
so polvo asked me if I wanted to do a little cornhole toss............
I ran into polvo at the beach the other day..he was talking about a game I have never heard of.......called cornhole toss........he invited me to play...being from the south, I was a little reluctant to commit to participating in a game called cornhole toss .....I'm jest saying....... Anyway, polvo showed me the set up:
you toss bean bags and try to get them to fall into a hole on a board...similar to horseshoes with out the stakes or the horse we begin to play....i assume polvo has played this game since the 2nd grade as he seems to know the rules and talks a mean game..........
needless to say...after a few practice tosses....i shellacked polvo 3 - 2 and he hung his head and cried in shame:
this really is a fun game...and would probably be even more fun with a couple of tasty beverages........if you are interested check out the site:
Saturday, March 5, 2011
How hot is it?
Friday, March 4, 2011
French Fried Onion Chicken

I fixed this French Fried Onion chicken dish the other night. I heard about it from a woman at work. This chicken is better to me than bread crumb,corn-flake,or panko chicken.... all of which I really like and have fixed many times. I say try it, you will like it!!
2 cups (4 oz.) FRENCH'S® Original French Fried Onions
2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
4 (5 oz.) boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 egg, beaten
Place French Fried Onions and flour into plastic bag. Lightly crush with hands or with rolling pin. Transfer to pie plate or waxed paper.
Dip chicken into egg; then coat with onion crumbs, pressing firmly to adhere. Place chicken on baking sheet.
Bake at 400°F for 20 min. or until no longer pink in center.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
keepin it simple in Colorado Springs

I learnt that UCCS makes it very clear how to flush toilets. The flush instructions include detailed instructions spelled out as how to flush these high tech water saver toilets. They take it down to the lowest common denominator.....way past just explaining the very technical flush functions "up liquid waste - down solid waste". They include the "#1 and #2" identifiers for users from south of the Mason Dixon line!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
this stuff is great!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Chiquita Curry

Not a Joke! These are real!

Friday, February 11, 2011
you gotta itch?
Auto correct...

websites out there...we peruse it weekly for fun.
"I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me"
side note: scroll to the bottom to see pages and pages of these.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
So I "learnt" how fast one's copay for an "eye exam" could go from $10 to $80+. If you request an "eye exam", and they find something (say a scratch, etc,) then it's $10 for the "eye exam". HOWEVER, if you call up and say you feel like you have a scratch or something else that then becomes a "Medical (Patient) Complaint" - which then turns the "eye exam" into a "specialist / doctor visit" which then falls under your medical health plan, under the "Specialist" upcharge category.
To review:
1. Go in for an eye exam and THEY find a scratch - $10.
2. Say you "think you may have a scratch" - go in, and and they confirm it - $80
Of course (as they later told me) the increase fee wasn't just "fluff" this also included a "Treatment plan" which was "continue wearing sunglasses" and "use eye drops"
To review:
1. Go in for an eye exam and THEY find a scratch - $10.
2. Say you "think you may have a scratch" - go in, and and they confirm it - $80
Of course (as they later told me) the increase fee wasn't just "fluff" this also included a "Treatment plan" which was "continue wearing sunglasses" and "use eye drops"
Wing Cooker
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Someone Please Post....
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