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Thursday, November 15, 2007

For butter or for worse

I got a note from Polvo that explained he has been very sick and he perfectly illustrated the green stuff you cough up when sick with a cold or pneumonia.....something we have all coughed up and never adequately named........................he called it "Lung butter" ..... Now all this time I have know that his mom and sister were great illustrators...but now I will have to put polvo in the same category when it comes to illustrating with words.


PS I dare anyone of yall to butter a piece of toast tomorrow (or the rest of your life) and not remember the phrase: lung butter.


Polvo'd said...

First of all I'm a bit taken back that Vic would share some of our personal discussions with the group. That being said, it's also a bit irresponsible of him to mention lung butter without properly outlining it's nutritional facts. Accordingly:

Lung Butter
Serving Size:3-4 Grams (typically)
Callories from Fat: 180
% Daily Value
Total Fat 240g 1 %
Saturated Fat 860g 120 %
Trans Fat 1,280g 300 %
Cholesterol 680mg 278 %
Sodium 3,850mg 2,180 %
Dietary Fiber 15g 400 %


One can quickly see that it is very high in transfat and Sodium, but surprisingly enough it is also high in Dietary Fiber which is good for the digestive track - which is why, I think, we often have that moment of indicision 'should I expell this or swallow it' and that is because you're actually weighing the nutritional value of it.

It's digestive properties also help those of us (singular) who eat grits and cheese on a daily basis.

Polvo'd said...

Further to my current state...

I find myself at another crossroads in my life...

See, my nose is plugged and I can't breath, but I found that if I blow my nose I will subsequently be able to breathe but it plugs my ears and I can't hear. So I have to make a choice - do I want to be able to breath or do I want to be able to hear? Then I found if I take the medicine the Doctor gave me it gives me what we (in these here parts) call the "green apple quick trots" - so essentially the crossroads I find myself in every 15 minutes or so is...

Choices (I can pick only one):
1. Breath
2. Hear
3. not able wear white slacks

Abbzug said...

i know ya'll do things a bit diff-erntly down there in Texas, but absolutely nowhere is it acceptable to where white slacks after Labor Day anyway.

Ribhard said...

Could someone give me the weight watcher point value on the lung butter?