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Monday, November 12, 2007


1. It is said that 27% of people don't believe that we actually landed on the moon. Your opinion?

a) Did
b) Didn't
c) Dunno
d) Debatable

2. Side note, it is also said that 24% of statistics are made up on the spot.


P-Lou said...

I always tell my students that 56% of all statistics are made up on the spot; I think your numbers may be a little low. And when did they land on the moon?! I swear we don't get all the news here in "the bubble". Censorship is wrong.

Ribhard said...

Moon Landing? We landed on a moon? Which one? When you say "We landed" are you talking about like me and you??? Damn I don't remember that happening....was it in the late 60's?