I have been meaning to share this with you........back a few months ago......valencia told us that we should try this egg nog called Morning Fresh Old Style Egg Nog at WholeFoods. well I did and it was the best egg nog I have ever had.....and it came in a glass milk bottle which takes me back to my childhood days...(so of course I saved the bottle) ..and it is from a place in colorado named Bellvue..and has been there since 1894.
so are you going to bring some to the village on your next visit!!!???
I am not sure if I am going to be able to swing by Bellvue on the way home.....and I need to check the carry-on regulations with Southwest.....I wonder why they don't have a little egg nog year round in the stores?
OH MY GOD!!!! You cannot tell people about this eggnog! It will sell out, and we won't be able to find it EVER again!
For example: We bought some. Loved it. Told you about it. You bought some. I went to Whole Foods on Christmas Eve to buy some more...and they were sold out.
Ok, I know, it was the eve of our lord's birthday, but still.
Keep the nog to thine self.
Just curious...have any of yall tried to make the nog of eggs?
I became the proud new owner of THE ROCKET(curtesy of Vic & P-Lou) not to be confused with THE BULLET, mind you...and there is a recipe for egg nog...
Not to keen on drinking raw eggs though....
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