I learnt last night while attempting to renew my cell phone plan that there are “Web Only” deals, or deals, rates, plans, discounts, etc., that you can only get on the internet. Which makes sense right. However, I learnt that there are also “Phone Only” deals that you can only get over the phone. In addition, there are T-mobile stores that offer “Store Only” deals. So when I went online I found what I wanted and still had some questions – so I called and by calling I got the “Phone Only” deal which was better than the “Web Only” deal – so I got an additional 500 minutes per month than the “Web Only” deal offered for the same price and got an additional $20 off the phone, and avoided the “Mail in Rebate” that was part of the “Web Only” deal. “You can only get a deal like this if you order online” yeah but they don’t tell you that you can get a better deal by calling in.

I also learnt last night watching the History Channel that Native American’s are actually from Asia / China? This seems like something I should have learnt a long time ago no? Apparently they came here 10,000 - 15,000 years ago either by sea or over the ancient land bridge. Anyone know anything else about this? My wife is actually 1/8th Native American (honestly) but I quizzed her last night and she doesn’t speak a lick of Chinese.
For your info I am 1/8 Cherokee on my father's side. His maternal grandmother was full Cherokee, raised in the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee. The Cherokee Nation was the first Native American tribe to have their own university, and further more 普通话 普通 話语國語 (汉语漢語普通话普通 話普通话普通話.
Valencia, are you using that ancient clicking language again?
I am baffled by the array of phone plans out there too.......I have a Virgin Mobile pimp phone....and I have tried many times to figure out the deal....I started with a no contract 10 cents a minute plan.....then a few months back changed to $34 for 300 minutes...free nights at 7:00 pm and free weekends...I don't use the phone that much ...but recently went to Florida and used it a lot....and plan on going down again next week and using it a lot...so I seem to be stuck again....but we do have Patty's AT&T phone that is another whole story....Has anyone out there figured out the best deal on phones? We have the Comcast triple play plan here at the house: cable, internet, and land line for $99 for one year....unlimited long distance to U.S. , Canada, and Mexico....Just wondering are we getting any closer to getting cell phone plans that are unlimited and cost about 10$ A month......????
and I was thinking maybe the people on that land bridge thing actually started here....walked across to japan or asia and then several thousand years later walked back here..that does seem like a lot of walking..but hell they had lots of time since they didn't have jobs or punch time clocks........
For the sake of blog accuracy, I have Verizon - not AT&T.
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