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Sunday, March 23, 2008

We all make mistakes....

I learnt that if you've been managing the banking / finance department of a company for the past 4 years but really weren't quite sure how your employees did what they did on a daily basis and one of them is going out on maternity leave - DON'T volunteer to cover for them. Even though it might seem logical to finally learn what you're responsible for - don't. You've made it 4 years - no reason to start now.

Now, despite some suggestions (cough*expletive) to the contrary - on my last review my "Productivity" was cited as being "Outstanding." Now, despite the fact that my boss, who conducted the review, doesn't speak much English and isn't around that much is irrelevant - my review was stellar nonetheless and who am I to argue? he's a brilliant man and I've always subscribed to the "less is more" management philosophy.

That being said, over the past few weeks I've learnt that 'working' ( is not all it's cracked up to be and actually takes away from more important things like blogging and checking, ESPN, etc., every few minutes just in case there was a link or story I missed 5 minutes ago.

1 comment:

Ribhard said...

I knew there was trouble in River City when we quit getting hourly blog updates during your normal "work" time..I was so upset I messed up my brackets and missed the 4 upsets in Tampa.