Ok, Patty-Lo...here are some more pics of putting on tire chains....for those who have never had to do this...including Todd & me!
We start over the Donner Pass at midnight, light snow falling...get to mile 72 and the snow is a little deeper....but on the pass they don't fool around and the DOT for NV get to call mandatory chains when they feel it is necessary. No foolin'...blockades are up with people checking your car to see if you have chains,snow tires or 4wheel drive before you can pass. We had the Mighty Honda Element, no problems there....but Todd was driving the U-Haul and we started to worry...but hey, no worries...they ain't gonna let you pass! You get to pull over at KINGVALE exit and purchase chains at the one and only gas station for double the normal price...but who is going to complain at that time of the night ( technically morning now )? We get our "bag o'chains" and try to figure out how to put them on...no easy task, but while you are in the cab of the truck trying to stay warm, you can discreetly peek out your windows and watch the other people fumbling around trying to figure it out in the cold,wet snow. We got them on....now what to do with this "extra" piece of metal? kinda like an allen wrench....ahhh! this is what you use to tighten the chains down with....good to go!
Then there is another guy waiting by the on ramp to check you out ...make sure you have the chains on...and away you go....for 13.6 miles until the chain control is done...then you hop out and take 'em off the tires....now what to do with 245 / 70 /19.5R chains???? sell them on craigslist!!!
Ok, I'm sure I'm missing something here...but didn't you guys used to live in Alaska?
yea aren't zoolander's people like third generation snow people?
Todd has always had 4wheel drive vehicles, as did the previous generations...so no need for chains. I moved to AK from FL in a 2wheel drive Ford Explorer...never once needed the chains (just don't go out in icky weather!)
Did I mention we only needed the chains for 13.6 miles to get over the pass? Do you think I am a little bitter after spending $100 for them and NO ONE has contacted us from craigslist to be the new owners for a measly $25....
May have to put them in the "free" column....
Coincidentally, i have sold a few sets of chains, in the greater reno/sparks area, for $15 each. Seller beware, of all the things we've sold on craigslist, all of the new owners have tried to get their money back, even after checking out the merchandise, and a cool handshake. From here on out, I am telling folks that all sales are final.
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