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Monday, June 2, 2008

Descriptive Phrase learnt this week................

My daughter, Cari, was telling me about the intelligence level at a Wal-mart near her house in Ocala, Florida. After explaining that tightening up training wheels on a kids bike seemed to be a real challenge for several associates, she noted that the store might have been built "too close to the forest".


P-Lou said...

Cari does get off a good one every now and again!

boan said...

I like that one! Right up there with 'rented mule'. I'm wondering how many different ways I can use that phrase.....

Ribhard said...

the blog has produced some interesting phrases....remember polvo's lung butter?

Polvo'd said...

Reminds me of the phrase "he's got one in the woods" ... a phrase I heard recently describing someone that has one eye that is looking in a different direction than the other eye... I guess when you live in 'the woods' you need to have both eyes working independently? Not sure.