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Friday, June 6, 2008

It's not even 8am and I've learnt something valuable...


A "gurn" is a distorted facial expression, and a verb to describe the action. A typical gurn might involve projecting the lower jay as far forward and up as possible, and covering the upper lip with the lower lip.
The English Dialect dictionary,
compiled by Joseph Wright, defines the word gurn as 'to snarl as a dog; to look savage; to distort the countenance', while the Oxford English Dictionary suggests the derivation may originally be Scottish, related to 'grin'.
According to MSNBC, "Gurning" is "... the art of making grotesque faces while sticking your head throug a horse's collar" The world champion is selected annually during the Egremont Crab Apple fair. The event is said to date back to 1267... "

1 comment:

Ribhard said...

Kath Taylor, also from Cumbria, won the women's competition, despite competition from New Zealanders.