I learnt that the bottom of the check ..where all those squiggly numbers hang out, shows your check number along with all that other stuff. I have been looking at checks for years and years and did not know that the check number was there and in the upper right hand corner.
Hmm.... sometimes (just maybe)... given your age and length of time on this planet... I think maybe it's best not to share (everything) you "just" learnt?.... Just an idea...
Hey, on that note - did you know that there is this little switch in your fridge that controls when the lights come on in the fridge? So that when the door closes it hits this switch and turns off the light?
You did say you wore Crocs right?
Whoa! Slow down with the new info - and translate please. Ribhard still calls it an "icebox".
Ok mr. smarty britches......how do you know the light goes off when the door is closed?
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