I stumbled across an article online. Apparently there is a whole community of "Croc haters" out there. Below is a excerpt from the article.... (from Newsweek no less). In addition I found a website http://www.ihatecrocs.com/ and it has a really funny blog entry in there. Worth checking out.
"...I like to play a game with my son, Joseph. We sit on a bench in touristy Old Town, Alexandria, Va., and we're not allowed to get up until we see a dozen pairs of Crocs. It usually doesn't take long. But the other day we were stuck at eight after a few minutes, and I was getting a little concerned. Just then my boy leaned over and said, "Don't worry, Dad. A family of dorks will come along any minute." To paraphrase Hank Hill, if he wasn't my son, I would have hugged him right then, I was so proud."
OMG! I JUST read this article 5 mins before cruising over to the blog...obviously WE have WAY to much time on our hands!
I must confess that I am the semi-proud owner of two pair of knock-off elcheapo crocs. I find them easy to slide into when you need to run the trash out or cruise over to the gas station. They can be worn in the rain, sun, and snow. I have a brightass yellow pair here and one in the village. To me, they are as good as flipflops but you can't wear flippers in the snow for long. Mine are the $5
KmartWallmartchinaimport specials.
Yea, don't people have any pride? They look like clown shoes! except, of course, on ribhard - who always makes fashion look so easy.
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