Monday, December 31, 2007
Slip slidin' away........................
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Save the Date: August 9, 2008

E=mc + poptart?

Interesting blog that you laid this morning; however, I believe that you are “borrowing” from the first law of thermodynamics and mixing it with diffusion concepts (Fick’s law). The problems with your thesis begin in the beginning. If I recall correctly, thermodynamics can only be applied to energy, and diffusion is primarily a concentration-driven process confined to gasses and liquids. While you apparently identified a clear transfer of a mix of these ideas to solids, solids act completely differently than energy, liquids and gasses – yes I know that 102% of the human body is a combination of liquids and gasses, but you are still a solid. To prove this point it is easy to see that the water bed would never have been invented if we were not solids.
Despite these errors and the fact that your logic is questionable at best, you do deserve props for trying to develop a new scientific law as you pondered your pop tart. Victor, the scientific community needs more bright minds working creatively on these incredibly important questions to ensure that our modern society continues to not only function but flourish. Therefore I applaud your efforts and will contribute toward your endeavors by pledging $2 toward a box of wine (does that cover an entire box?) for you.
In this day of shrinkage and smaller-is-better mind sets, it is comforting to me, that I have been able to maintain my physical space ( and more ) . I have successfully bucked the trend.....I take up more three dimensional space than I ever have in my life. I think it is all part of the law of nature or something I heard about "nature hates a vacuum" (0r maybe it was nature hates the sound of a vacuum cleaner?........I am reaching back to the 60's and some of those facts I snagged along the way are a little fuzzy) Now, if memory serves me correctly, the law goes like this: "If there is less space taken up by something one then something two will ease in and occupy that space which something one gave up......I am pretty sure that is the way it was stated. Anyway, I am doing my part as something two.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Gulf (W)Hores Again!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
More Learnin and Confirmin December 2007

"All de world am sad and dreary,Eb-rywhere I roam;Oh, darkeys, how my heart grows weary,Far from de old folks at home!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Long tall glasses of wine
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The cost of warm
late night rental car at Orlando, the second choice destination ... $67
waking up in Gulfport with a breeze blowing in open windows ... priceless
Can I get you another glass of wine Honey?
Sunday morning...go for a ride
Friday, December 21, 2007
Turkey's Gone Wild
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Chair Dancing
(I think this is how Barry relaxes after a hard day of work.)
One Big family
I’ve also learned that when working in these conditions, hygiene becomes even more critical.
(I’m the 7th one from the bottom on the right side).
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Am I a Playa' or what?
Just so yall know I am not wasting my time out here while I am off, I made some Internet players. Apparently no one will help me figure out this computer web site stuff, so I am winging it on my own. My modest goal is to make a song player we can post on the blog, each can edit at will, and it will not come on when we log on to the site. Allowing us to share music we might not listen to otherwise.
I made a couple of Internet players.........with some songs on them............this first one is just funky covers.....
This other one is the one on the blog with about 30 -40 songs
I will continue to work on this project.
the playa'
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Cracked eggs and other lessons learned
Playing around
PS Of course you can click on the player and turn the song off...but every time I move around the site or log in ..I get the music....which isn't my intention.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Zed's Dead (Or is he?)
(reference comment by valencia : "polvo...... ...I think it's time you learned: Ike Turner is (was) your real father. I'm sorry you never got to know your Daddy.")
polvo we are all here for you if you need us.
Performance Enhancing Drugs
Hit me again Ike!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Even better....
Sliced bread and backspace keys

While reading my September/October 2007 AARP magazine today..........I came across this advertisement:
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Red Foxx was known to say....

"If you follow something ugly home, there's going to be something ugly waiting at the door to let it in." I often think of this line when I meet the parents of some of my students. But I wonder this month if maybe we could substitute the word crazy for ugly. In the past couple weeks, I have enjoyed some good crazy at work. When I called a parent to discuss her daughter's academic difficulties and mentioned that she was having a bad day, she told me that she was not surprised because her daughter's moon was in Scorpio that day. I made a note of this on her card. Today, a mom came in at the end of a long school day to sign a release for me to share notes with her child's therapist. This mom told me that years ago she (the mom) was mistakenly diagnosed as schizophrenic because she was having car troubles on the day the psychiatrist tested her. I naturally replied, "If I had a dime...." in my most empathetic counselor voice. Ten minutes later, when I peeled out of the parking lot in the mighty suby (yes, that's my '96 subaru legacy, the "Colorado Cadillac"), I was enjoying Simon and Garfunkel's "Cecelia" at full volume....
I was wondering..........
And there is a lot of great information being shared here............ beneficial, educational, and deeply thought provoking. I think yall need to invite them to join in on the fun.................or perhaps they need to become familiar with the phrase: "beat like a rented mule".
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
This should clarify everything.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Endangered Languages Revisited
God Almighty!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Accept No Substitutes!
Friday, December 7, 2007
A Croat in Paris
The more money I make, the more massages I have to pay for; in order to heal my damaged body from all the work I had to do, to make all the money to buy all the massages.
*sigh* such is the circle of life.
Endangered Languages

I've learnt quite a lot this week, bein' that it was the final week of my first semester back at school. First, I learnt, that you're only punishing yourself when you wait to do big-ass projects to the last minute, Second, I learnt that one day your procrastination might catch up to you and bite you in the ass, and third, I feel - well....I feel like I've been beaten like a rented mule. Here's what else I learnt this week during the negotiation and renegotiation of....stuff...
97 percent of the world’s population speaks about 4 percent of the world’s languages; and conversely, about 96 percent of the world’s languages are spoken by about 3 percent of the world’s people.
Over the last five centuries, an estimated one-half of all the world’s indigenous languages died. Of the estimated 7,000 living languages in the world today, nearly half are likely to disappear by the year 2100.
Every two weeks the last fluent speaker of a language passes on and with him/her goes literally hundreds of generations of traditional knowledge encoded in these ancestral tongues.
The guy with the beard in the photo is the last speaker of his language. Ever.
Sources: National Geographic News, 2007 & The Living Tongues Institute, 2007 & UNESCO, 2004
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Fruit of the vine
It suddenly dawned on me, that I actually have 10 liters of wine sitting on the counter top in our kitchen. I think this is more alcohol than I have ever owned at one time in my life.
I am not sure what this means....but one might say this means I have become a collector of fine wine. (I am not one to brag, but you probably can't read the January "Born-On-Date" in the picture.)
And just for the record, I never understood the appeal of wine, until I was introduced to the beverage, by certain in-laws I originally met in Gulfport, Florida.
Avoiding an early death....

However don’t worry about the aforementioned possibility because Purdue scientist discovered that constant worrying shortens your life span by 16 years.
And whatever you do, if you can’t find a toilet, don’t pee in the ocean. Sharks are attracted to bodily fluids.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Like a rented mule............
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Pie in the sky
bran......your stomach will hurt for two days and you won't sleep well at all.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Blackened to perfection
the (re)telling

boan has started a new blog, and yer'all invited. It's called the (re) telling, and the premise is that it is a collective memory of told, retold, and soon-to-be told stories. all true. or mostly true. or close enough to true that they could've been true. or not. It's like a village version of NPRs "Story Corps"... a place for woven narratives .... an example of a good story would be like, when I had 'valencia' believing for years that I was capable of dissappearing, reappearing, and overall magicery. If you've got a story to tell, send me an email and I'll unlock the door....
You may not know it......But
If you want to publish or delete these drafts..........go to "view blog"..then to "new posts" and then to "edit posts": you (individually) will see drafts out there by Polvo, Abbzug, Zoolander, and Valencia. I assume these are only visible to the writer (or a system administrator). You may want to go out there and "publish" them to the blog or delete the draft. ( I fixed a few I had out there today).
Have a fun sunday.