While reading my September/October 2007 AARP magazine today..........I came across this advertisement:
Adesso is proud to introduce its New and Improved, Flexible Full Sized Keyboard. This revolutionary keyboard is water resistant, flexible, and dust and contaminant proof. The keyboard is great for use in industrial environments, hospitals, libraries, and marine and boating applications. In fact, almost anywhere dust and liquids are present! The silicon based material is impervious to almost anything! The washable, roll-able keyboard has been called “the best thing to happen to typing since the backspace key.”
I really love this product and the pitch. (Needless to say, I am seriously considering gifting one to each of you for Kwanzaa this year...please send your favorite color to me quickly.) The line that caught my eye was " best thing to happen....................backspace key". The fact they are using the somewhat archaic word "typing" is a nice spin. And it never really dawned on me the significance of the backspace key. I mean I have thought about sliced bread, toilet paper, tampons, and right and left shoes....but somehow the importance of the backspace key had escaped me completely.
I just learned a new word...
Kwanzaa (or Kwaanza) is a week-long Pan-African festival celebrated primarily in the United States, honoring African American heritage. ...
At first I wondered why Vic would need a washable keyboard... but then I thought... maybe it would be best if I stopped wondering.
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